It takes a
so we created one online

Together let’s end the reading crisis in South Africa

Our Work

82% of children cannot read for meaning by the end of Grade 4.
We are on a mission to change that!

We have noticed that there is a distressing lack of human connection in the learning to read process in low-income schools throughout South Africa. Classrooms are overcrowded, under-resourced and teachers overextended.

Through providing low-income schools with digital infrastructure, our online reading programme, and amazing online volunteers we intend to help these children learn to read for meaning and enjoyment.

Our Solution

Book Village is the only online tutoring platform in South Africa that connects foundation phase learners to volunteer tutors from around the world and a levelled reading series. Children receive the one-on-one support needed to learn to read at their own level and pace. We provide:

Book Village Is The Solution!

Volunteers Worldwide
0 +
Children Helped
0 +
Schools Involved So Far

Our Believers

Visit Nal’ibali and Book Dash to read free children’s books translated into different South African languages!


News and Stories

Contact Book Village

Email us through the address below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Sign Up To Be Part Of Book Village!

By signing up to become a volunteer, you will be among the first to hear when the Book Village app officially launches and have the opportunity to be among the first people in the world to start making an impact through the Book Village platform.